Peers for Peers
Peers for Peers was founded by the University of Bern and the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies as a filter in the world of publication overload. Our network of experts is dedicated to helping our colleagues stay current.
Scholarly publishing has a problem. It produces tons of articles with unclear content and quality. With more and more publishers and journals, it becomes even more difficult to determine what's relevant, and what's not. Peers for Peers was founded by physicians to help their peers find the most impactful articles: practice changers, educational highlights, or other publications that contribute to the future textbook knowledge in their field.
Keeping pace with medical progress is essential for any specialty. However, in recent years, we are facing an unprecedented overload of publications, and it's only getting worse. Cutting through the noise and making true progress visible despite publication overload - that's how Peers for Peers was born. We believe in implementing relevant clinical and scientific discoveries in our practice before they enter the textbooks many years later.
Get in touch with us for any inquiries or collaborations.
Tešanjska 24a, 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
© 2023 belvoo.